This evening my dh came home, we had some steak burgers (yum yum) and I needed to pop to the shop to get buns for them. It's a very,very rare occasion where I leave the house without being draped in a baby and holding the hand of a toddler. I've grown so accustomed to it that I was tempted to bring my 2 year old daughter out in the windy cold to join me. Well, I went on my own. I strutted into the shop arms freely swinging with a great bounce in my step. I felt light as air! Then I noticed it, a man checked me out! Not the best looking man, but a man none the less. I've gotten so used to the stares of men being replaced by the stares of old ladies smiling at my children. I'm not bragging, or claiming to be hot stuff. Men generally double take pretty easily at women regardless. The whole baby in a sling, toddler screaming in tantrum on the floor sort of takes away the fantasy of sex goddess from men. Go figure! I didn't look any different tonight than I do during the day. The only difference was that they didn't know I was a mother. I was just a regular twenty something woman! I must get out more ; )
Mary, you are hot stuff! You're gorgeous! You look like you're 21 (perhaps you are?), your hair is perfect... what's not to check out? Go you!
Ha ha, not 21 anymore. Don't wish I was either....I was painfully stupid. Probably how I'll feel about myself in another 6 years. I'm 27, and will happily stay this age for a while. Thanks for all that. : )
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